
case finding中文是什么意思

  • 病例追查



  • 例句与用法
  • The test case finds a link with this text , so it passes
  • The dh has set up a special hotline 2961 8966 for case finding , health advice and counseling
    另外, ?生署现已特别设立电话热线29618966 ,以作个案调查,及提供健康资讯及辅导。
  • There are a big difference on case finding between counties , and rate arrived by referring system on tb case from general hospitals is weaker
  • The chp is conducting a survey among the neighbourhood of the patient s residence for active case finding and blood tests for signs of recent infection
  • The team also learnt that gdcdc had started retrospective active case finding for severe pneumonia cases since january 2006 to identify undiagnosed human avian influenza cases
  • Dr thomas tsang , consultant of the chp , said at a press briefing today that the chp was conducting active case finding in the neighbourhood of the boy s residence , and appropriate follow - up for symptomatic individuals would be arranged
  • Further case finding efforts discovered four other people , all females aged 21 to 36 , who ate food from the restaurant also developed symptoms of diarrhea and abdominal pain . stool specimens are being collected from them to ascertain the diagnosis
  • A prostitute named wyman was murdered in paramount , a hotel charged by hours . pang , the police officer in charge of the case found that the stuffs in the hotel room in which the murder case took place were deliberately arranged
  • At today s meeting , members reviewed the adequacy of existing anti - mosquito measures in light of the latest reports by the department of health ( dh ) and the food and environmental hygiene department ( fehd ) on case findings and ovitrap survey results
    在今日举行的会议上,委员先听取?生署及食物环境?生署(食环署) ?报登革热个案最新发展及诱蚊产卵器调查结果,然后检讨现行的防蚊措施是否足够。
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case finding的中文翻译,case finding是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译case finding,case finding的中文意思,case finding的中文case finding in Chinesecase finding的中文case finding怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
